Member Benefits
Members First Credit Union of Florida has many benefits for our members. We offer valuable resources and services to members of all ages. Learn more about the benefits that best fit your needs:
Additional Benefits
As a member, you'll enjoy all these additional benefits built with your financial needs in mind:
- Digital Wallet
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Samsung Pay
Visa Checkout
SecurLOCK Equip
- Discounted Services
- Insurance Services
- Coin Counting* - FREE for any amount under $100
* The fee for coin counting machine use is 8% for any amount over $100, for consumers. For business accounts, the fee is 8% of the entire amount. For all non-members, the fee is 20% of the entire amount.
For further information on all Credit Union deposit accounts, please refer to our Account Disclosures, give us a call at (850) 434-2211, or stop by one of our branch locations.
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