Home > Community > Scholarships > Scholarship Application * Required Fields Empower Students Members First Scholarship Application Applicant Information: * (First, Middle, Last) * Account # Mailing Address: * (Street, City, State, Zip) * Home Number ( * Home Number 1 ) * Home Number 2 - * Home Number 3 ext * Home Number Extension Cell Number ( Cell Number 1 ) Cell Number 2 - Cell Number 3 ext Cell Number Extension Email Address * Social Security Number (SSN) * Birth date (MM/DD/YYYY): Parent or Guardian Information: * Parent/Guardian Name * Account # Parent/Guardian Name Account # Mailing Address: (Street, City, St, Zip) Home Number ( Home Number 1 ) Home Number 2 - Home Number 3 ext Home Number Extension Cell Number ( Cell Number 1 ) Cell Number 2 - Cell Number 3 ext Cell Number Extension Email Address College/University Information: * Name of Institution of Choice Mailing Address: * (Street, City, St, Zip) * Phone Number ( * Phone Number 1 ) * Phone Number 2 - * Phone Number 3 ext * Phone Number Extension Proposed Major Field of Study * Have You Applied for Enrollment Select...YesNo * Have you been accepted? Select...YesNo Estimated annual academic expenses: Tuition Per Semester Books Per Semester Room and Board Per Semester Have you/will you apply for other scholarships or financial aid? Select...YesNo Educational: In chronological order, list all high schools and colleges attended. School Location Years Attended (Dates) School Location Years Attended (Dates) School Location Years Attended (Dates) School Location Years Attended (Dates) Work Experience: In chronological order, list any current or previous employers. Company Type of Work Dates of Employment Company Type of Work Dates of Employment Company Type of Work Dates of Employment Company Type of Work Dates of Employment Academic/School Activities and Awards: List any academic-related activities that you have participated in during the past five (5) years and your specific involvement. Academic/School Activities & Awards Community Activities: List any community-related activities that you have participated in during the past five (5) years and your specific involvement. Community Activities Career and Vocational Objectives: List any career and vocational-related activities that you have participated in during the past five (5) years and your specific involvement. Career and Vocational Objectives Essay: Credit Unions are cooperative, local, not-for-profit financial institutions founded on the philosophy of "People Helping People." Please complete an essay in 500 words or less on one of the following topics: 1. How can credit unions better appeal to and serve Gen Z members? or 2. How can credit unions better influence our communities? Please reference sources where applicable. Type or Paste Essay Below or Attach a Copy of Your Essay in .PDF Format. Essay Attach Essay Academic Recommendations: Please submit at least one (1) and not more than four (4) academic letters of recommendation from authorities at your school such as teachers, principals, or guidance counselor in .PDF format. * Academic Recommendation (1) Academic Recommendation (2) Academic Recommendation (3) Academic Recommendation (4) Individual Recommendations: Please submit at least one (1) and not more than four (4) letters of recommendation from individuals, other than family members, who have known you for at least two (2) years in .PDF format. * Individual Recommendation (1) Individual Recommendation (2) Individual Recommendation (3) Individual Recommendation (4) Transcripts: Applicant must have a minimum high school grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 based on a 4.0 grading system, or a "B" average. Please attach a copy of transcripts for the past four (4) years. * Transcripts (1) Transcripts (2) Transcripts (3) Transcripts (4) Eligibility Guidelines: - Applicant must be a current senior or graduate of an accredited high school, ready to begin as a first-year continuing education student. A GED is not an acceptable substitute. - Applicant must have a minimum high school grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 based on a 4.0 grading system, or a "B" average. A copy of transcripts for the past four years is required. - Applicant must plan to be a full-time student. Applicant must be a member in good standing at Members First Credit Union of Florida, and be the primary account holder at time of application and scholarship presentation (all students qualify for membership at Members First). - At least one parent or guardian must be a member in good standing at Members First Credit Union of Florida and be the primary account holder at the time of application and scholarship presentation. - Submit at least one (1) and not more than four (4) academic letters of recommendation from authorities at your school such at teachers, principals, or guidance counselor. - Submit at least one (1) and not more than four (4) letters of recommendation from individuals, other than family members, who have known you for at least two years. - Applicant must provide an essay in your words answering: 1. "How can credit unions better appeal to and serve Gen Z members?" or 2. "How can credit unions better influence our communities?" The essay can be 500 words or less with scources references where applicable. - The completed application with required documents should submitted no later than Monday, March 31, 2025. Additional Information: No applicant will be excluded from participation or be denied the benefit of a Members First Scholarship on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national origin, sex, or disability. Recipients must meet all eligibility requirements. The Members First Scholarship Committee will review all applications. The committee will submit their recommendation to the Board of Directors. The Board, by majority vote, will determine the recipients of the scholarship. All applicants will be notified of the Board of Directors' decision in writing in April 2025. Certification: I/we certify that all information provided on this application and all supporting documents are accurate and complete. I understand that misleading or false information will result in my application being disqualified. If selected as a scholarship winner, I give full consent for the use of my name and likeness to be used for promotional and publicity purposes. I understand that the decision of the Members First Credit Union of Florida Scholarship Committee is final. * Applicant's Signature By clicking for my signature, I certify that the information provided in this application is completed and accurate to the best of my knowledge. If selected, I agree to allow Members First Credit Union of Florida to use my name and likeness for promotional and publicity purposes. I understand that the decision of the Scholarship Committee is final. Parent/Legal Guardian Signature (if applicant is under age 18) By clicking for my signature, I certify that the information provided in this application is completed and accurate to the best of my knowledge. If selected, I agree to allow Members First Credit Union of Florida to use my name and likeness for promotional and publicity purposes. I understand that the decision of the Scholarship Committee is final. * Consent to Contact I/we authorize Members First Credit Union of Florida and persons acting on behalf of the credit union to deliver or cause to be delivered to me, and I/we consent to receive, telephone calls and text messages at the telephone number(s) provided above, including calls using an automatic telephone dialing system and/or an artificial or prerecorded voice. I/we acknowledge I/we may withdraw such consent by written notice to the credit union at Members First Credit Union of Florida, P.O. Box 12983, Pensacola, FL 32591, by email to mfcufl@mfcufl.org, by telephone at 850-434-2211, or by any other reasonable means. If any phone number I/we provide is a wireless telephone number, I/we represent and agree I/we am the wireless subscriber or customary user with respect to the wireless telephone number(s) provided and have the authority to give this consent. Furthermore, I/we agree to notify the credit union of any change to the wireless telephone number(s) which you provide to us. I/we agree to indemnify the credit union and hold the credit union harmless, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses (including any attorneys' fees) that arise out my/our breach of any of the foregoing representations and agreements. How did you hear about Members First Credit Union of Florida's Scholarship Program? (select one) How did you hear about scholarship program Select...SchoolMembers First WebsiteMembers First BranchInternet SearchSocial MediaOther If other, please list Security Code Go to main navigation