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Common Money Beliefs8/17/2022

How Do You Relate to Money? 

Personality can tell us how we learn best, what our strengths are and how we get along with others. But what about revealing our financial personality?

As it turns out, there are four money personas that help explain some of our most common financial behaviors. To find out how you can improve your relationship with money, figure out which money persona you relate to.

Take the Quiz

  1. I define financial success as:
    1. Not having to think about money all the time
    2. Living a celebrity lifestyle
    3. Accumulating the most money
    4. Avoiding all the money traps that others fall into
  2. My relationship with money can be summed up like this:
    1. I'm not good at maanaging it, and I never talk about money
    2. I'm not good at managing it, and I love talking about money
    3. I'm good at managing it, and I don't mind talking about money
    4. I'm good at managing it, and I never talk about money
  3. What gives you the most energy?
    1. Having some "me time" at home
    2. Going out with friends or spending time with family
    3. A full schedule—when I'm busy, I feel alive
    4. Planning out a new project or working with details
  4. When it comes to personal finance, I wish I was more:
    1. Aware
    2. Free
    3. Prepared
    4. In control
  5. If I suddenly inherited $500,000, I would feel:
    1. A little anxious—what should I do with that much money?
    2. Totally thrilled—that's one amazing shopping spree!
    3. Happy—that would put me ahead of the game
    4. Motivatedit's fun thinking about how to allocate it
  6. I believe that most personal finance problems are the result of:
    1. People thinking they deserve lifestyles they can't afford
    2. Treating money as something stressful instead of something enjoyable
    3. Being undereducated when it comes to money
    4. A large and corrupt economic system
  7. More money, more _________________:
    1. Problems
    2. Freedom
    3. Happiness
    4. Nothing—more money doesn't change anything
  8. Which weakness best describes you?
    1. I can be kind of lazy
    2. I can get pretty self-centered
    3. Sometimes I'm a little too competitive
    4. I have trust issues
  9. Which strength best describes you?
    1. I'm thoughtful
    2. I'm friendly
    3. I'm determined
    4. I'm smart
  10. "Treat yourself!"
    1. But I haven't done anything to deserve it
    2. OK!
    3. Nah, I'd rather make money than spend it
    4. No, I don't need special treatment
  11. Which statement sums up your point of view when it comes to investing?
    1. I've never taken the time to really learn about investing
    2. Big risks lead to the biggest payouts
    3. The more investments I have, the safer I feel
    4. I don't invest because of the risk of losing everything
  12. When it comes to money, the most important lesson to be learned is:
    1. Money is complicated and almost impossible to manage well
    2. Money is the key to your sense of well-being
    3. You will never have enough for the things you truly want
    4. Being able to keep it is more important than simply having it


How Did You Do?

If you answered mostly:

a. Avoiding Ostrich

b. Struttin' Peacock

c. Stashing Crow

d. Wary Owl

Avoiding Ostrich (money persona: avoidance)

Avoiding Ostriches often feel guilty about having money, or undeserving of money. They sabotage themselves by minimizing their financial problems instead of facing reality. This persona is most common among young adults.

Most likely to: have piles of unopened bills, be charged with late fees

Least likely to: ask for a raise, discuss finances with others

Needs to work on: money management skills, budgeting basics 

Struttin' Peacock (money persona: status)

Struttin' Peacocks believe that their self-worth comes from their lifestyle and possessions. They will overspend in order to impress others. This leads to struggles with budgeting and debt.

Most likely to: live in debt, make risky investments

Least likely to: be able to afford the lifestyle they project

Needs to work on: setting savings goals, managing debt

Stashing Crow (money persona: worship)

Stashing Crows have a scarcity mindset when it comes to money; they believe that they will never have enough to afford the things they want in life. They get a sense of safety from stockpiling money.

Most likely to: be a workaholic, have hoarding tendencies

Least likely to: spend money on themselves or on leisure activities

Needs to work on: seeing money as a source of enjoyment

Wary Owl (money persona: vigilance)

The Wary Owl's relationship with money is based in fear. A little bit of money vigilance is good, but Wary Owls can easily take it to the extreme. Fear and distrust of investing keeps them from growing their money.

Most likely to: underspend, distrust financial institutions

Least likely to: overspend, invest their money

Needs to work on: trying out new financial products

Recognizing Your Persona

It's likely you're a combination of several money personas (as opposed to being an extreme version of just one).

Identifying your money persona can help you approach financial decisions more positively, and help you spot behaviors that you want to change.

Sources: Mind Over Money by Brad Klontz, PsyD & Ted Klontz, PhD;; The New York Times


common money beliefs


Get Your Financial Check-up

Now that you know your money persona, we can help you plan your goals and make sure you're on the road to financial success. Take our personalized wellness quiz to see if you're on track to meet your financial goals.

Start Over
How would you rate your financial health?
Needs Improvement
I'm Not Sure
Do you have an Emergency Fund?
Do you have debt you want to pay off?
Is there a large purchase you'd like to make this year or in the near future?
Yes, I'm planning to buy a car.
Yes, I'm planning to buy a house.
Yes, other.
Do you have a budget?
Do you have a budget?
Do you have debt you want to pay off?
Do you have an Emergency Fund?
Emergency Fund

Although there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution to financial emergencies, there are steps you can take that will minimize damage while you work on a recovery plan. Having an emergency fund is an important resource for you to have during emergencies, but what are other steps that you can take to help your financially during a crisis? We'll talk about that and how to help you decide on the best financial plan for your needs.

Learn More

Debt Repayment & Consolidation

Consumer debt is a common and incredibly personal part of our personal finances. The majority of U.S. adults owe money in some way, shape or form, but what this debt represents can vary from person to person. Whether you're paying down medical bills, educational expenses, home repair costs, or other high-interest purchases, there are steps you can take to help you conquer your debt.

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Auto Loans

Ready to get on the road? We have the resources to make your driving dreams a reality. Get tips on purchasing a new vehicle, shop local dealer inventory with our Car Buying Service, enjoy Auto Rewards when you finance with us, and more.

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Home Loans

Thinking about buying your first home or another property for rental income? Members First Credit Union of Florida is here to lend a helping hand with the home-buying process from advice to financing.

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Personal Loans

People need personal loans for a variety of different reasons. Whether you need funds for an emergency, medical bills, a much needed vacation, or your dream wedding, taking out a personal loan from your credit union as opposed to another type of lender is typically cheaper. We'll share why and lend a helping hand to finance your needs and/or dreams.

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IRAs, CDs, & Investments

Compound interest is a powerful concept in saving and investing — it pays to start saving early. We'll show you how and lend a helping hand in making your future brighter with savings and investment options like IRAs and CDs. 

Learn More

Budgeting Basics

Budgeting doesn't mean you have to give up everything you love. Whether you're planning your first budget or re-evaluating your current budget, we'll share some ground rules that will set you up for success by changing the way you look at budgeting and help you create the guidelines for managing your money.

Learn More

Know Your Score

Your credit score shouldn't be a mysterious number. Whether you've had past troubles, haven't yet established any credit, or want to get the best possible rate on a loan, knowing your score and how your credit score is calculated is important to your financial wellness. We'll share information and tips to help you create a positive credit history and boost your credit score.

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Checking Accounts

As a valued member of Members First Credit Union of Florida we want to know how we can better serve you by improving the products and services available to you. To do this, we ask that you take a moment to answer this short survey to let us know what we can do to make our Checking Accounts more beneficial to you. 

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Deposit Accounts

As a valued member of Members First Credit Union of Florida, we want to know how we can better serve you by improving the products and services available to you. To do this, we ask that you take a moment to answer this short survey to let us know what we can do to make our deposit accounts more attractive and beneficial to you.

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